Passive Localization of the Central Sulcus during Sleep Based on Intracranial EEG

By Alkawadri et al., Cereb Cortex. 2021 Dec 18;bhab443. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhab443.Online ahead of print.

In this manuscript, we demonstrated

Visual abstract of expert-based methods - Novel M metric.

  1. It is possible to map the central sulcus and the hand area based on 6-minute of free-running EEG task and stimulus free during sleep. The current standards are often carried out over hours. There is so much functional information encoded in common signal metrics e.g. power/coherence, such as hand/tongue motor vs. others, function or no-function.

  2. AI- and expert-knowledge-informed designs almost performed on equal footing. The former had the edge in abstract performance metrics, whereas the latter had the advantage in real-life applications.

3. The method is based on statistics of outliers (non-parametric, misfit).

4. With the exception of usual suspects i.e. n/and overfit, it appears the sky is the limit of what could be accomplished both in functional and pathological brain mapping.